14 - Flór Unger

Flór Molnár genealogical tree Flór Molnár genealogical tree, click to enlarge.


01a perenye map Click to enlarge.


Julianna Unger was born in Hidashollós, the 26th of November 1982 and passed away in Körmend, the 18th of July in 1966.

She married Gyula Flór the 4th of February 1912


Flór Gyula and Unger Julianna marriage certificate Flór Gyula and Unger Julianna marriage certificate, click to enlarge.


Flór Unger genealogical tree Flór Unger genealogical tree, click to enlarge.



Julia Unger and husband Julia Unger and husband, Click to Enlarge.


Flór Unger siblings:


Gyula and Julianna had 12 children.

March 30th I had the great pleasure of receving an email from Császár Balázs. He is the grandson of Ilonka Flór Unger. And as he said there is no problem on putting in the Website his part of the family, I will comply. In the meantime, next time he goes home to the family, he will ask his mother about more data of other family members.


csaszar  flor genealogical tree Flór Unger Ilonka genealogical tree, click to enlarge.

A couple of years ago, I knew that a relative was going to Hungary and eventually would met with that side of the family, so I sent with her a DVD with about our side of the family, addresses and photos included, but never got any answer.


Family photos:


19th of February 1939 - Irene and Gyula wedding , click to enlarge 19th of February 1939 - Irene and Gyula wedding , click to enlarge
19th of February 1939 - Ilonka and Mihaly wedding, Click to Enlarge 19th of February 1939 - Ilonka and Mihaly wedding, click to Enlarge


Family at Ilonka wedding Click to Enlarge.

Note: Should anyone recognize any member of the family I would appreciate your writing me about.


boszi circa 1935, click to enlarge Böszi circa 1935, click to enlarge
photo miklos wedding, Click to Enlarge Miklos wedding, Click to Enlarge


gisella and family Gisella and family (Gisella, Yutka, Marika and Feri), Click to Enlarge.


Our trip to Hungary:


July 1980 - Budapest - At Gisella's daughter place, Click to enlarge July 1983 - Budapest - At Gisella's daughter place, Click to enlarge
July 1980 - Budapest - At Böszi and Sandor home, Click to Enlarge July 1983 - Budapest - At Böszi and Sandor home, Click to Enlarge


July 1980 - Körmend - At Ilonka and Mihaly home, Click to enlarge July 1983 - Körmend - At Ilonka and Mihaly home, Click to enlarge
July 1980 - Baja - At Irene and Gyula home, Click to Enlarge July 1983 - Baja - At Irene and Gyula home, Click to Enlarge


This side of the family is still under construction.

This chapter has been updated with new data, the 8th of February 2016.



For privacy reasons the first names, date of birth and date of marriage of persons who are still alive are being omitted in the genograms, unless otherwise stated.

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